Intelligent Film Assistant for Personalized Video Creation on Mobile Devices
By Dominik Schörkhuber, Florian Seitner, Benedikt Salzbrunn, Margrit Gelautz, and Georg Braun
We describe the development of an intelligent film assistant system that supports the creation of professional video content on mobile devices such as smart phones by amateur users. Cinematographic expert knowledge on scene composition and camera motion is provided to the user in the form of story boards that are tailored to specific use cases. We give an overview of the project concept and some selected components including algorithms that are required for video stabilization and shot classification. The goal is to translate the scene characteristics detected by the vision algorithms into realtime feedback to the user during video recording and to support post-production. A major focus of the project is the incorporation of human-centered design principles with usability studies and expert interviews into the whole research process.
D. Schörkhuber, F. Seitner, B. Salzbrunn, M. Gelautz, G. Braun: "Intelligent Film Assistant for Personalized Video Creation on Mobile Devices"; Talk: The 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), Salzburg; 12-04-2017 - 12-06-2017; in: "Proceedings of MoMM 2017", ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, (2017), ISBN: 978-1-4503-5300-7; 210 - 216.
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