ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Statistical analysis of MPEG-7 image descriptions

By Horst Eidenberger


The study presented in this paper analyses the visual MPEG-7 descriptors from a statistical point of view. A statistical analysis is able to reveal the properties and qualities of the used descriptors: redundancies, sensitivity on media content, etc. These aspects were not considered in the MPEG-7 design process where the major goal was optimising the retrieval rate. For the statistical analysis eight basic visual descriptors were applied to three media collections: the Brodatz dataset, a selection of the Corel photo dataset and a set of coats-of-arms images. The resulting feature vectors were analysed with four statistical methods: mean and variance of description elements, distribution of elements, cluster analysis (hierarchical and topological) and factor analysis. The analysis revealed that, for example, most MPEG-7 descriptions are highly redundant and sensitive to the presence of colour shades.


H. Eidenberger: "Statistical analysis of MPEG-7 image descriptions"; ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, 2 (2004).


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