ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Physically-Based Depth of Field in Augmented Reality

By Peter Kán and Hannes Kaufmann


We present a novel method for rendering and compositing video in augmented reality. We focus on calculating the physically correct result of the depth of field caused by a lens with finite sized aperture. In order to correctly simulate light transport, ray-tracing is used and in a single pass combined with differential rendering to compose the final augmented video. The image is fully rendered on GPUs, therefore an augmented video can be produced at interactive frame rates in high quality. Our method runs on the fly, no video postprocessing is needed. In addition we evaluated the user experiences with our rendering system with the hypothesis that a depth of field effect in augmented reality increases the realistic look of composited video. Results with 30 users show that 90% perceive videos with a depth of field considerably more realistic.


P. Kán, H. Kaufmann: "Physically-Based Depth of Field in Augmented Reality"; in: "Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 2012", Eurographics Association, 2012, 89 - 92.


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