ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

3D Interaction within a Multi-User Distributed Untethered Virtual Reality Training Simulation

Master Thesis

About This Topic

The aim of this master thesis to develop distributed 3D interactions to allow for immersive training of multiple first responders within a virtual reality environment. Based on the current system - comprising a single user training environment using a mobile HMD (GearVR) and different types of 3D navigational input (game pad, omni-directional treadmill) - a distribution layer needs to be integrated to allow for multi-user training. To enable simulation and training of the entire command cycle, distributed 3D interactions are going to be developed, including 3D selection and manipulation tasks employed by the participants within the immersive simulation, and 3D manipulation tasks by the trainer using desktop input. The novel modules will be tested with actual stakeholders, such as fire brigade training centers.

We are looking for highly motivated students with a solid background in programming and computer graphics. We provide you with the chance to work with the latest VR hardware and a topic to gain a deeper understanding in immersive virtual reality.

SDKs/Platforms: Unity3D, Android, Windows

Programming: C#, Unity3D, Android (Java, C/C++)

Hardware: Samsung GearVR, Galaxy S6/S7, Cyberith Virtualizer