ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Multimodal Motion Guidance: Techniques for Adaptive and Dynamic Feedback

By Christian Schönauer, Kenichiro Fukushi, Alex Olwal, Hannes Kaufmann, and Ramesh Raskar


The ability to guide human motion through automatically generated feedback has significant potential for applications in areas, such as motor learning, human-computer interaction, telepresence, and augmented reality. This paper focuses on the design and development of such systems from a human cognition and perception perspective. We analyze the dimensions of the design space for motion guidance systems, spanned by technologies and human information processing, and identify opportunities for new feedback techniques. We present a novel motion guidance system, that was implemented based on these insights to enable feedback for position, direction and continuous velocities. It uses motion capture to track a user in space and guides using visual, vibrotactile and pneumatic actuation. Our system also introduces motion retargeting through time warping, motion dynamics and prediction, to allow more flexibility and adapt-ability to user performance


C. Schönauer, K. Fukushi, A. Olwal, H. Kaufmann, R. Raskar: "Multimodal Motion Guidance: Techniques for Adaptive and Dynamic Feedback"; Poster: ICMI 2012, 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Santa Monica, CA, USA; 10-22-2012 - 10-26-2012; in: "Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimodal interaction", ACM, New York, NY, USA (2012), 133 - 140.


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