ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Emanuel Vonach

Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Bakk. — Position: Research Assistant


Office 1040 Wien, Favoritenstrasse 11 Room HE0406 Map
Office Hours by appointment

In Progress

0571 VRGroup - Safety zone monitoring with depth sensor For a fully immersive VR system with haptic feedback, a separate safety monitoring system should be implemented. The system should rely on depth data… E. Vonach Details


0560 VRGroup - Smartphone as 'Pixelstick' A smartphone-app for „Lightpainting“ should be implemented, using the inertial sensor to 'scroll' over an arbitrary picture. Synchronization of… E. Vonach Details
0559 VRGroup - Tool for Analysis of User Behavior in VR A tool for analysis of user behavior in VR environments should be developed. Different parameters (e.g. path, gaze direction, eye fixations,...)… E. Vonach Details
0506 Virtual Reality zum Anfassen Der Controller für einen Roboterarm soll auf Basis verschiedener existierender Libraries entwickelt werden und weiters eine direkte Anbindung an die… E. Vonach Details
0423 Spielbasiertes Gesundheitsmonitoring mit Tangible User Interface Objects Die Interaktion zwischen Menschen und medizinischen Diagnose- bzw. Aufzeichnungsgeräten läuft meist nach strikten Mustern ab. Das ärztliche… E. Vonach Details
0326 TrACTOr - A Depth Based Tracking System for Tangible Augmented Reality An alternative tracking method should be developed for our Actuated Tangible User Interface Objects (ACTOs). These micro robots then provide haptic… E. Vonach Details
0325 Speckle Sensor for ACTOs Actuated Tangible User Interface Objects (ACTOs) should be equipped with a self-tracked motor unit. E. Vonach Details